The Casey Anthony murder trial is a week away, almost three years after the disappearance of her young daughter Caylee Anthony, she will be tried in her murder. I have been watching some of the shows that are leading up to the trial itself. I only knew vague information about the case until just recently and was not really following it. When I did watch a news show recently it focused on the fact that the trial would be set in another county and that jury selection was going to be a big focus in this high profile case. The show selected a jury and and a case was presented to them, more than half of the people on the jury voted for acquittal of Casey Anthony. This is because of the lack of physical evidence in this case. I am saddened and hope that a verdict will not be for acquittal, but rather I hope one of guilty will be found. It is a very hard case for both the prosecution and the defense to present, but one nonetheless that will focus on the fact that Caylee Anthony just two at the time of her disappearance was murdered and tossed into a remote area like yesterdays trash. Casey Anthony did not report her child missing for 31 days, and only after her mother confronted her about her vehicle that she had abandoned did she concoct a story about Caylee being left with a non-existent nanny. Casey Anthony partied it up like any 22 year old would at that age. Her behavior would not be so questionable except for the fact that her daughter was missing.
Casey was a young mother obviously, one probably overwhelmed with being a single parent. Despite all of the help you have or support being a parent at any age is not an easy thing let alone being a single parent. At the heart of my post tonight is the fact that I think a lot of parents don't realize their breaking point. Don't mistake my post as having any sympathy for a person like Casey Anthony. I don't have any for her. I believe wholeheartedly she killed her child and went on living as if she never even existed. I believe she is a sick individual. What I am saying is that a lot of people do not know how to ask for help when they need it. If only she had given custody to her parents or had asked for help so she could get her life together then maybe Caylee would still be alive.
We all at times as parents have had to walk away from our children, who have pushed us to a point that we don't even recognize the person we had become. Whether through anger or frustration or an inability to cope we have yelled when it was unnecessary or spanked, or said something we regretted. If you tell me you have never done any of those things than great, you must be the patron saint of parenting, and I really don't believe you. What I do believe is that a damned cat can be a better parent than a human being can. Remember Scarlett the cat that saved her five kittens from a burning building? Being selfless is not just a human trait. Parenting is thee hardest job in the world! We are not taught, it is a learn on the job process. Some of us are better learners than others. If you are a young parent or single, or both, then it is doubly worse. I am not making excuses here, I am saying that some people are not capable of recognizing the warning sign telling them what they are about to do is wrong. They just do it and then later say they did not know what they were doing.
What made Casey Anthony lose it? I see single young mothers every day who are on the verge and the scariest thing is they don't even know it. What I want this post to leave you with is a resource. Someone who is readily available when you think you are at your limit, Parents Anonymous is a national group with local chapters and or call the National Parent Helpline at 1-855-427-2736. Just because you can have a child does not mean you know the first thing about being a parent, being a better parent means you know when to ask for help.
i make no excuses about who i am! love me, hate me, just read me!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
At first glance my daughter Mak would appear to look like a boy to you. Long hair with a backwards baseball cap, size 10.5 men’s shoe and a large presence. In fact my daughter is what the AMA classifies as obese. She is 5’5” and 185 pounds at 11 years old. To look at her you would think she sits on the couch eating junk food and playing video games all day. What you don’t see when you look at her is an athlete with great skill, that is until you see her play any of her chosen sports. Her athletic ability was something I noticed when she was in kindergarten one day playing baseball in between the orchard and vineyard we lived in. I noticed that she could throw better than her older sister who we were practicing with, and that she could hit the ball pretty well too. It wasn’t until she was in second grade and brought home a flier for Bobby Sox that I thought, what the heck. She was placed on a team and was tried out at several positions and eventually piped up that she wanted to play catcher, so here we go she finds her niche. She was a natural with her large powerful thighs and ability to throw to second base from home, not any easy feat. So I was happy to see her active and enjoying herself, she was bigger than her sisters at that age and I worried her weight would be an issue for her. She played again the next year and then onto travel softball. I was so invested in her because it was then that she told me, “Mom! I am going to Fresno State on a softball scholarship!” This was after she had seen the team in action. I spent 250 dollars on catcher’s equipment that I bought large enough for her to grow into at least into high school, I thought. Wrong, here it is 4 years later and that gear is not going to make it to Jr. high.
My softball playing girl came up to me and asked me two years ago if she could play tackle football, to which I voiced some concern that it might not be for her. That is when I heard my Dads voice in my head telling me “no” when I asked to play football and I decided to go and take her to signups. Other girls had come before her to my surprise and we were excited at the prospects. She was first pick for her team after coaches saw her in the drafts they held over a weekend. She played offensive and defensive lineman, though in her heart she was hoping for quarterback. All they saw was her size and her standout ability to be quick and agile and mow ‘em down. She was one of the key reasons they went undefeated to the championship game. Everyone cheered her name in the stands but none louder than me. She played again this year and though her team was mediocre she still was a standout. She has said that she wants to play in high school and I have no doubt that she will. She plays her last season of community football this fall and then it is onto Jr. high. Most girls want to lose weight for vanity reasons. Not mine. She has said she wants to trim down and get noticed for her throwing ability so she can be a quarterback.
So here it is baseball season and yes I said baseball, she has forgone softball to play with the boys. She is in her second year of Little League, because she has not come up in the ranks here she has to prove herself, so for now she plays on a triple A team, not a Majors team, but my bet is it won’t be long before they know who she is. Her first year her old travel team coach picked her up for American Little League and it was not a memorable season, he tried her at pitcher, but she was too wild and his coaching style did not bring out the best in her. He was more worried about getting his grandson playing time anyway. So this year her old football coach picked her up as we moved and she ended up in National Little League. He saw her at the last tryout and picked her when he saw that she threw as fast as a grown man. He knew he had a future pitching star in his midst. We have several good pitchers which is great we keep them guessing, but my girl is by far the fastest pitcher. At one of the first practices she threw the ball so hard it hit one of the coaches feet, the next day he told us she split his toenail and it fell off. She can be cocky and full of herself and practice after practice she began to have attitude. One of our assistant coaches who is used to coaching kids from the Chicago projects and not Central Cali Valley farmland kids has a gruff exterior. Immediately he irritated her by singling her out. After all, her coach made her team leader and she was the player to look up to. She was put first in the line to lead her teammates in a run. She came up to me and said, “I know why he put me first, it is because of my size.” I said, “Then run too fast for the boys to keep up.” He got to her so much one day when she was sick I told her let’s leave after being there for five minutes. I spoke with the head coach and told him I did not like the assistant coaches tactics. So he said things would change and they did but then she started having attitude. She hated it and started complaining that she was bored because they were working on fundamentals, and after one day when she was particularly embarrassing I went off on her.
I had this loud tirade that started as we left practice in our van, and ended 10 minutes later in our front yard. I told her that her behavior was unacceptable, that she had embarrassed me. That she was not a know it all when it came to baseball. She said she did not want to pitch, the position they were grooming her for, she didn’t want to play. I yelled about how much money I had spent on her, and the enchilada dinners and fundraisers I had so she could participate in these sports. The time I had given up, and I added how I did not do any of this for her two older sisters. She started to whine and cry. “Is it too much pressure, what is it?” I asked. She just shrugged. I told her that people were always going to judge her by her size, that they were going to have expectations of her. I told her I was not going to be there to intervene for every coach she did not like. I told her what a God given talent she had. I told her that she could be the fastest pitcher out there but if she didn’t want it someone else who was less talented would work harder to get it. I finished my tirade by saying, “If you quit this and let your team mates down don’t ever ask me for anything again! Sit here and think long and hard about what you want and let me know!”
Was I wrong? Probably, well yes, I was guilty of bad parent behavior, but I was right. The next day after apologizing to the assistant coach and getting one on one pitching practice she threw fast and accurate pitches. I will give him credit for helping her to develop her technical skills; she is a better hitter and definitely a better pitcher!

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